

All of Jennie’s books are available for a donation at The Living Word Ministries — 100 Zoar Road, Chesterfield, SC 29709, or at Faith Gospel Shop — Hwy 9, Cheraw, SC 29520. They are also available at Amazon in paperback or e-book form!

Through the pages of this book you will learn how to Meet with God – any-time and any-place. You’ll build your character as you fall deeper in love with Him. 


You have a promise from Jesus that you do hear His voice. Through the pages of this book, you will know that you hear Him whether you’re in prayer or out in public.


In this book, you will walk through the Temple of the Old Testament and see how to enter into the Holy of Holies at any given moment! You really can, and with this book, you’ll walk it out and into reality for yourself!

These Devotionals are from many years of sending out 4 X 6 postcards with Devotionals written on them to the Overcomers on our prayer list. Now they are all in one place! 100 Days of Seeking His Face. You will be encouraged by each day’s devotion.

This book will help you navigate your own encounters with the Trinity. You may be a Visionary, a Seer, or a Dreamer. All of these are explained in depth with revelation teaching, and personal experiential knowledge.


Listen to the Word of God and be healed! You can receive a USB version at The Living Word Ministries — 100 Zoar Road, Chesterfield, SC 29709 or click the arrows below to listen to the Scriptures recited by Jennie. May your healing spring forth speedily!!!

Images / Diagrams


Tabernacle Image by Jennie J Chapman in 8 Keys to a New Beginning
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Rusty Chapman teaching at Living Word Ministries, Chesterfield, SC
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Jennie J Chapman teaching at Oakhaven Nursing Center, Darlington, SC
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